

Make money in 10 very strange ways.

Have you ever wanted to make some extra money? How about 10 TIMES more than you usually make? It sounds like a pipe dream, but it’s not! Read this article to find out how a few people made money in…

Why Do We Answer the Phone with Hello?

a girl talking on phone

Why do we answer the phone with hello? We condition ourselves to answer the phone with “Hello” because it’s an accepted greeting in the English language. People first attested “Hello” in writing in 1826. It’s related to the phrase “alo,”…

Travelling Is So Important in Life

Travelling - Man standing on rock

If you are unsure about the benefits of travelling, read this article. It will provide you with a detailed list of benefits, including the increase in Dopamine, Cultural diversity, and Self-awareness. Travelling can be a liberating experience that can give…

Facts About Cats That Will Blow Your Mind

You’ve probably heard that cats can jump five times their height. But did you know that they have an episodic memory and are just as intelligent as dogs? If you’re interested in learning more facts about cats, continue reading! These…

10 interesting facts about Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa is indeed one of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous masterpieces. This portrait painting is without a doubt one of the most popular and discussed works of art. Yet do you know these 10 but fascinating facts about…

Bizarre things that exist in Japan


1. Vending machines everywhere One of the bizarre things about Japan is that there are about 3.5 million vending machines there! The majority of them are stocked with a variety of sodas and canned coffee, but some of the more…

10 Interesting facts about India

National Flag of India

1. Varanasi is among the world’s oldest inhabited place, dating back over 5000 years. This sacred city is said to be among the world’s oldest known cities. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are said to have lived here in the…

10 Interesting facts about Queen Cleopatra

Representative image - Queen Cleopatra

1. Queen Cleopatra was not an Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was born (early 69 BC) in Egypt, however her ancestors came from Macedonia, being one Alexander the Great’s commanders. After Death of alexander in 323 B.C., Egypt was controlled by Ptolemy,…