Most expensive things people threw away as trash.

7.  The declaration of independence

Image by John R Perry from Pixabay

A frame purchased for $4 at a flea market in Pennsylvania was deemed to be unsalvageable. When the local man took it apart, he discovered an antique document that turned out one of the original copies of the Declaration of Independence. It was sold for $2.42 million dollars

8. $1 Million “Tres Personajes” Painting

Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

Now, we are not sure whose mistake it is to throw away one of the most expensive paintings. A woman in New York found a painting in the trash pile and she liked it so much that she hung it up in her home. One day, while watching Antiques Roadshow, she heard on TV that her find was the very painting that someone had stolen 20 years ago. She returned it to its rightful owner, and they awarded her $15,000 for finding this valuable possession.