Indian Villages That Are Amazingly Unique

6. Mawlynnong (Meghalaya)

Cleanest Village in Asia- Indian Villages

Mawlynnong, often hailed as “Asia’s Cleanest Village,” is a testament to the power of community involvement in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Tucked away in the northeastern state of Meghalaya, this village captivates visitors with its pristine environment, well-manicured gardens, and eco-friendly practices. Mawlynnong’s commitment to cleanliness has garnered worldwide acclaim, making it a shining example of sustainable living.

7. Mattur (Karnataka)

Alberto Buscató Vázquez, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Mattur, a quaint village nestled in Karnataka, is renowned as the “Sanskrit Village” of India. Here, Sanskrit is not merely a subject but a way of life. The villagers converse in Sanskrit, and the language permeates all aspects of their daily routines. Mattur’s dedication to preserving this ancient language showcases the villagers’ commitment to their cultural heritage and keeps Sanskrit alive in the modern era.