5. Learning about finances

One of the most valuable lessons to learn when travelling is about money. Learning about money is not stressful. However, it is important to know how to manage it effectively. If you don’t understand basic financial concepts, you may end up spending more money than you can afford. For example, you might spend too much on one dinner because you didn’t know how to exchange the Ethiopian birr for the rand. Similarly, if you don’t understand how to evaluate trade-offs, you’re likely to spend more than you have in the end.
Also Read: The Kumari is worshipped as the “Living Goddess” in Nepal.
6. Real-life education

Travelling is an excellent form of education. Not only can it expand your mind, but it can also help you understand other cultures better. It is the ultimate history lesson, and it can help you dispel any misconceptions you might have. Even if you watch documentaries or read books on a given subject, nothing can compare to experiencing it for yourself. Learning about a culture or region first-hand will broaden your world view and enhance your improvisational skills.