3. They have episodic memory

If you’ve ever wondered how cats remember and process information, you’re not alone. A recent study found that cats have episodic memories. The cats were placed in four different bowls containing food. The cats had to choose which food they wanted to eat and the researchers were amazed at how well they remembered it! The researchers also noted that cats have an innate ability to remember locations that are rich in prey. The cats were also good at rehearsing this memory, which ultimately results in storing the information in the long-term memory.
4. They are as intelligent as dogs

Japanese scientists have revealed that cats are as smart as dogs at memory tests. The research involved 49 domestic cats. Cats were found to remember events from the past that were pleasant and vice versa. Dogs, on the other hand, show episodic memory, which is how we recall events from the past. Humans, on the other hand, try to reconstruct events from the past based on our own interpretation. In this way, cats are much more capable of social inference than dogs.